Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mod c

To what extent does the representation of past events and recollections lead us to a boundless consciousness of the complexity of human attitudes and behavior? In exploring the Inherent tensions between history and memory and by acknowledging the specific authorial choices, we are lead to a heightened consciousness of the complexity of human attitudes and behavior. Mark Baker holds a tight reign of control over his work by deciding what to keep and omit throughout his non-fiction prose text, the Fiftieth Gate.While Rugged juxtaposes our knowledge about the Vietnam War with a very personal and poignant recount in their song and video ‘l was only nineteen'. Baker identifies selectivity, tensions and similarities between past events and recollections that are revealed through the blend of different text types and features in addition to characters emotions and actions. Whilst Rugged utilizes first person and film techniques in order to achieve identical effects. Baker adheres to h is objectives by making specific authorial choices which initiate partial views.These views originate a boundless consciousness of the complexity of human attitudes and behaviors. ‘It always begins In blackness, until the first light illuminates a hidden fragment of memory. ‘ Baker uses the Imagery and motif of light to portray memory as fragmented and subject to fulfillment by history. In the first and last line of the fiftieth gate history Is perceived as merely an artificial construct, providing only one version of the past. Baker's specialized decisions allow him to develop a broader understanding and through growth, the complexity of his human attitudes and behaviors become apparent. L realist how deeply buried is his pain. I eave always pitied myself for the grandparents I do not have, rarely considering my father's own orphaned state† (pop). Bloodcurdling is evident through Bakers own statement, his attitudes begin to change as a result of his one sided view s to history, which allow baker to focus on specific aspects of his parents memory. ‘I would prefer to leave the Idea of me rather than bits and pieces' p. 304 Baker's decision to study his parents memories, by fulfilling them with history, causes his own bloodcurdling.Baker realizes memories are more valuable since history Is bits and pieces' of the whole story. Bakers change and development of attitudes and behaviors Is consequent to his authorial editing with regards to his methodology and objectives within the Fiftieth Gate. In contrast to Baker's partiality when examining history, Rugged accentuates memory's partiality, in reference to war stories from the song ‘l was only nineteen'. And the Anza legends didn't mention mud and blood and tears/ and the stories that my father told me never seemed quite real. These lines refer to the Juxtaposition between memories retold by the persona's father about war and the experiences of the persona himself. Rugged uses dual scen es running simultaneously during these lines to enhance the disparity between the calm music and the harshness of the Vietnam War. Which contrasts Bakers bloodcurdling due to specific authorial choices of the way history Is analyses In the fiftieth gate. Through comparison of Baker's bloodcurdling and Residuum's emotive language It becomes obvious that history Is multi-faceted and cannot be taken on face value. O his dual role as Historian and Son and his validation of his parent's memories by history, therefore expanding the awareness of the complexity of human attitudes and behaviors. Genie: ‘Stop interrogating me. Because I don't have a number means I didn't survive? (p. 194) gate 32. This recording of Genie, portrayed through italics, expresses her depressed and reluctant attitude toward reciting memories to her son due to the lack of historical Justification. The tension between history and Genie's memory evokes a change in her attitudes and behaviors, causing Genie to be against Bakers exploration in to his parent's memories.In contrast Yogis accepted Bakers leadership since his memories are confirmed as a result Yokel's collective memory ND varied historic evidence. Yokel's was a past written on a page of history shared by other survivors. My mother could not point to any one†¦ ‘ (p. 136). Bakers Juxtaposition between his fathers authenticated memories and his mother's lack of, represents the contrasting tension between history and memory and its effect on different people. Yokel's attitudes and behaviors were changed to accept Bakers questions since his memories were supported largely by past events.Rugged, similarly to Baker, examines the ever surmounting tension between history and Emory to increase our acknowledgement of the complexity of human attitudes and behaviors. ‘Frankie kicked a mine the day that mankind kicked the moon, God help me, he was going home in June. ‘ Rugged with the use of rhyme trivialities a histori cal event,' kicked the moon', to increase the impact of the persona's memory of a friend's death. ‘he was going home in June' emphasizes the tension and neglecting of history since Franker's leave in June was 11 months after the moon landing, focusing of the significance of the memory rather than the historical event.The complexity of the reasons attitudes and behaviors, like Genie and YOGIS, have been further analyses through his reaction to the labyrinthine relationship between history and memory. In exploring the inherent tensions between history and memory and by acknowledging the specific authorial choices, we are lead to a greater awareness of the complexity of human attitudes and behavior. Mark Baker and Rugged, with in the texts fiftieth Gate and ‘l was only nineteen', Juxtaposes and agree on how the perception of the complexity of human attitudes and behavior is heightened do to the directions and tensions of history and memory.

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